Thursday, September 8, 2011


Its been a long stressful month for us. We  have have moved, Eric has been gone a lot for work, and life is just busy overall for us. I need to keep focused on all the little things I am thankful for...

My two wonderful, happy, healthy boys
Owen was so happy to sleep in a "big bed" all by himself while on a work trip with daddy-he let Emmett try it out too. 
 Big blue eyes and easy smiles
Emmett sitting at 5 months.
 Late night trips to the grape vines outside our new house. 
Owen getting treat for using the big boy potty.
 Window seats
Owen eating breakfast and waiting to see a school bus go by. 
 A comfortable place to call home. 
Emmett sleeping, like normal, with two feet outside of the crib.

 Staying at home with my boys 
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 No carpets in our new house!
Clean up is a breeze now!

God entrusting Eric and I with these two

Our Content baby
Emmett hanging out in the wagon outside 

 Watch Owen have a ton of fun with Elmo foam soap in the tub
Owen is getting a little braver in the tub each day.