Tuesday, June 23, 2009

6 months old!

I can hardly believe that Owen is six months old. The time has gone so quickly. He has gotten so big-we have our doctor appointment next Friday so we will see then just how big he his. He is doing great at sitting, rolling all over to get places, standing against things if we put him that way, love bouncing, eats a ton of fruits and veggies and smiles a lot. He love to explore things too.

Here are a couple of photos we took this past weekend for his 6 month photos. They are all from grandma and grandpa Crammond's back yard.
He seemed to love the little white flowers. He even picked some and tried to eat them...good thing we were quick. Owen got the toy octopus from one of his four year old cousins-she decided that he would like it-and he does. It was very kind of her to give him the toy her mom had just made for her.

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Owen and Daddy

Eric had a great Father's day. We were able to spend it with Eric's family and my mom. I got Eric a web cam-so we hopefully can start using skype with family and friends. Owen and I worked to make Eric a cork board with Owen's foot prints around the edge. Eric said his favorite part of his gift was the card from Owen. I picked one out with a white background on the inside and I helped Owen "sign" his name. Eric said he was so touched by it.Here are a few photos from the day.
Grandpa John, Eric, and Owen Well I didn't get both of their full heads in the photo, but they are both looking at the camera-I guess that must be some sort of an accomplishment.
It brings me so much joy to see Eric and Owen interacting. Owen truly loves Eric so much, and Owen brings Eric such joy too.
One of Eric's favorite ways to hold Owen is on his shoulders...its so cute. Unfortunately this time we learned an important lesson-don't do this shortly after he eats...o-well that's what laundry detergent is for.

Wonderful Weekend

We had a great weekend. Owen and I headed down to Portage Wednesday night. Thursday we spent the day at Devil's Lake State Park. We meet two of my cousins there and it was a great time. Here is a photo of Owen that afternoon:

That evening we met up with Eric's Sister and mom at the concert on the square in Baraboo. We hung out with them and had a lot of fun.

Uncle Ian even stopped by the park to hang out with Owen for a little while.

Friday we went to see my cousin and her four kids in Appleton. They all had a lot of fun playing with Owen. They hadn't seen him since he was about 6 weeks old...They were were so cute to watch all of them play.
We spent Saturday with Eric's family. Eric's mom and dad just got back from a trip and they gave he a few new things. One was a sippy cup...his first. It was warm so we thougth we would let him try. He was very wet by the end but it was cute to watch. He was able to get it up to his mouth and get water out.

He also figured out that if you tip it upside down you can get water out too.

On Sunday we spent the day at the Crammonds. We fed Owen in the highchair that grandma Crammond used when she was a baby and when Eric was a baby.
Grandma Carol had a lot of fun with Owen this weekend. She even watched him so Eric and I could go out to dinner just the two of us and out to play Bingo with Eric's Family.

Aunt Liz was doing laundry on Sunday and thought Owen might like to go in the basket.

He seemed to like being able to stand in the basket all by him self.

When we got home on Sunday night we had a surprise wating for us. Owen's Great Aunt Jean sent Owen some new goodies...including these adorable new summer PJ's.

All in all it was a great weekend-I loved being able to spend so much time with Owen and our family.

Sunday, June 14, 2009


Our little Owen has two teeth coming through now...I need to get a good photo of the teeth...but for now here is him with his teething toy.
This isnt a good photo of Owen, but you can see how he is sitting up on his own really well now. He will sit for a long time. He seems to be having so much fun lately-Eric and I are so lucky.
This was just a funny photo of Owen, he looks so shocked.
When Owen is done with his meal I sometimes let him eat the last little bite with him holding the spoon. He gets such a big grin when he gets himself the food.
I just love his big blue eyes in this one!

A Weekend in the Garden

This weekend we spent alot of time in our garden. We should be eating a radish or two by the end of the week. Here are few photos from our adventures. We took our pack'n'play for Owen to hangout in while Beth and I worked in the garden. We had a really great time!

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

So its been way to long since I've posted...I'm not good at this lately.

Every thing has been good in the Crammond household. Eric had his 25th birthday this weekend. It was great to be home and celebrate with him and Owen. Last night we had a bunch of close friends over for cake and other goodies. After that we went to see Eric play softball.

Owen has started eating food at about 5 months old. So far he has tried sweet potatoes, avacados, green beans, which lead to prunes, and squash. He will be trying applesauce this week too. I have decided to make Owen's baby food rather than buy it for the most part. I bought comercialy made prunes and we will buy natrual applesauce, but for the most part I will try to make it all. So far it has worked out well. It kinda bums me out because he didn't make any funny faces or anything yet. But-I'm sure those will come down the road with something.

On another note, Owen hasn't been his normally happy self lately. He is by no means crabby or anything, just not as happy & a little bit whiny. He had tried green beans and we thought he was having somewhat of a reaction to that, but last night I realized he had a tooth breaking through his gums. It had come through enough that I could feel it---so now we know why.

Owen has also started sitting up on his own some. He will sit up on his own for about 1-2min. at points. He will also hold onto stuff and stand for about the same amount of time. Its hard to belive how much he has grown and all the things he can do now!