Sunday, July 26, 2009

A weekend of Fun….

Friday Marked Owen turning seven months old. It’s so hard to believe how fast this time has gone by. Friday was also Eric’s last day at United Way. It’s kinda a bitter-sweet moment for us. It has been a great job and a wonderful experience for Eric and our family to have him work there, but this new job will allow us to have me stay home…an opprotuity that I am thankful to have. While it will be hard for me to give up the professional aspect of my current life, I look forward to the little things that I will experience with Owen and Eric every day. I plan on finding volunteer work and possibly some sort of part time job, but that will be down the line a little.

This weekend our good friend Sarah’s wedding. Grandma Elaine and Grandpa John came up to spend the day with Owen so Eric and I could enjoy the ceremony and evening. They had a great afternoon and evening hanging out with Owen. It was such a blessing to have them come up to watch Owen.

Today we spent the afternoon doing some running, went to eat, and Owen and I took a nap. Owen ate his first “restaurant food” today. He had a baked sweet potato from Texas Roadhouse. I don’t think he enjoyed it as the ice cream he had the night before with grandma and grandpa :)

This afternoon was finally warm enough for Owen to play in his pool! And here are some photos...

He really seemed to love this silly snail. He crawled in circles around the pool to catch it, unknown to him every time he moved the snail was pushed further and furhter away...but eventually he caught it.
Owen also really liked the pool because he was really close to the grass...he kept trying to grab it.
Here he is crawling in the pool...well kinda a belly flop at this point.
Yup...he found the snail again!

Owen also figured out that he could stand up and then sit down really fast and make a big splash.
Owen has also been trying really hard to get under the coffee table in our living room. Well, tonight he was successful. I figured he would crawl up onto it, but instead he decided that he should just wiggle in and sit under it. He seemed so proud of himself!

Monday, July 20, 2009

Way to long...

So its been way to long since I've here it goes.

Owen's 6 Month Check Up...
Owen weighs 18lbs 3 oz. and is 27 inches long. This puts him in the 70th percentile for each. The doctor said that he looked like a happy healthy boy.

New Things Owen Can Do & First for our Little Man...

At the start of 6 months Owen could sit fully on his own for a long time. At about 6 and a half months he would get up on his hands and knees and rock back and forth. Last weekend he was starting to do the "army crawl" sort of thing where he would scoot all around. This past weekend on Saturday Owen was crawling with his belly off the floor and going all over!
Sunday he started to pull himself up all on his own. Tonight I spotted him cruising from one end of the couch to the other. Owen also got to go camping for the first time the end of June.
Owen has 2 teeth breaking through on the top. Owen has started to eat more and more food. He love yogurt and will only eat cottage cheese if he feeds it to himself.

New Things For the Crammonds...
Eric has gotten a new job, with Helix, a computer software company. He will be working with companies around the country from our basement. He is very excited and will be starting next Monday. His last day for United way will be this Friday.
This new job will require some travel and we have decided that it would be best for me to stay home with Owen. I will be done with the YMCA on August 7th. I am really looking forward to staying home with Owen, yet I still am sad to leave the YMCA.

Some Photos...

Owen on his first 4th of July in Grandma & Grandpa Crammond's back yard. This is one of the few photos where Owen isn't eating grass that day...side of the firs things started crawling for was grass.

This photo is Owen on his Grandpa's lap watching fireworks for the very first time. He did great at the fire works, even though he was up hours past his bed time. Eric and I enjoyed watching Owen watch the fire works. With each burst Owen would blink his eyes really hard...but he just kept on watching.

This was just a fun photo of Owen eating cottage cheese. I think there was more cottage cheese on the floor, fridge, counters, and chair then there was in our little Owen's belly.
This photo is from last weekend...we put Owen in one of our toy baskets and let him dig in the other one to get out the toys that he wanted. He played in this for quite some time.

This last photo is from this past weekend. Owen, Eric, grandma Carol, and I went out to gem gardens in Eau Claire. We snapped this photo of Owen. He is getting so big...kinda makes me sad.