Sunday, March 22, 2009

Out & Out

Today was a great day. I got to sleep in some while Eric and Owen got up and watched Meet the Press-one of Eric's favorite Sunday activities. Then it was time for me to get up and get ready for church. After church we went to Walmart to get some things, Noodles for lunch, stopped at a few other stores and it was off to home.

Once we got home we decided to go out for a walk. I needed to check Shopko for some items for the spring brunch so we took a long walk there. Owen loves walks, and today was no exception. We decided to try out his new stroller today. I love this stroller-and even better I got it at a great deal. It was originally priced at $100 dollars and I got it for $24. Owen seemed to like it just fine too, although I don't really think he knows the difference at this point.

After walking around the neighborhood and then the store Owen got a little sleepy. He decided to take a nap and was out like a light. He looked so cute in his little bear outfit. It started to get a little windy so we had to put his blanket around him-Eric kept referring to it as his little cocoon.

It still amazes me how Eric and I can spend hours just looking at Owen. Especially when he is sleeping-he just looks so sweet. I love how he just looks so at peaceful and secure.

After we got home from our walk we drove out to look at the city land plot that Eric and our friend Josh plan to garden this summer. Afterwards we have had Josh and Colleen over for dinner. Eric was all excited because I made meatloaf-his favorite. I hadn't made it for a really long time for him so it was a nice treat.

1 comment:

  1. We have that same stroller in orange (Only I paid a LOT more!) :-(

    It still works great with a 4 yr old!
    (And did you know that you can order fabric if the seat wears out but the frame is still good?) It's a lot less than replacing the whole stroller!
