Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Some New Things

Its hard to believe that Owen is over 3 months old now. Time has gone so fast. It seems that each day Owen is doing something new. Today He was almost lifting his bottom off of the ground as he kicked at his toy.
He is just growing so fast. He is such a happy, healthy, baby and Eric and I feel so blessed to have him. He smiles more and more each day. He has even started to giggle some. Owen is also starting to play with toys so much more now. He really is using his hands to grab onto everything-my fingers, hair, necklace, glasses...and the fun starts.
Day care is going well for Owen. He seems to have adjusted just fine. I get to go down to see him 2-3 times a day, which I'm thankful for. Today when I visited him he was all smiles for me. It was so much fun to see him so excited to see me.
This past weekend Grandpa and Grandma Crammond came to visit. Grandpa had finished the changing table for Owen so they brought up that as well. It was great to spend time with them. After they left I decided I wanted to rearrange Owen's room some. I think it turned out okay. I still think we need to hang some stuff up on the walls.
Owen likes to hang out in his crib-in this photo its hard to see him-he blends in with the sheets so well.

As you can see Owen has no toys and no books. We decided to put some more of the toys away so we could have all the books out. I'm sure that this will be a continue process of rearranging toys, but I like the way the room is set up for now.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Beth and Eric,
    Owen is growing way too fast! Guess we better get to Wisconsin this summer! I hope he likes his new Rocking Horse!
    Aunt Jean
