Tuesday, June 23, 2009

6 months old!

I can hardly believe that Owen is six months old. The time has gone so quickly. He has gotten so big-we have our doctor appointment next Friday so we will see then just how big he his. He is doing great at sitting, rolling all over to get places, standing against things if we put him that way, love bouncing, eats a ton of fruits and veggies and smiles a lot. He love to explore things too.

Here are a couple of photos we took this past weekend for his 6 month photos. They are all from grandma and grandpa Crammond's back yard.
He seemed to love the little white flowers. He even picked some and tried to eat them...good thing we were quick. Owen got the toy octopus from one of his four year old cousins-she decided that he would like it-and he does. It was very kind of her to give him the toy her mom had just made for her.